Insurance companies have long managed to manipulate our institutions into believing that there’s so much fraud they must deny every claim.
Month: March 2018
PRECEDENT Magazine – Three experts help solve some of the thorniest mental-health problems
Darryl Singer: It depends on where you work, who your boss is and how long you’ve worked there. Consider: Are you at a small firm? Is your boss known to be understanding about these things? Are you working for a larger firm as a typical associate who’s grinding away, and thus don’t know the partners’ attitudes? I wish we had evolved as a profession to the point where the answer to this question could be an unqualified yes.
THE LAWYER’S DAILY – Wellness: Being a witness turned me into a lawyer with empathy
I now understand why a client can’t simply get his or her head around the facts and the law, but must personalize everything; why they see it through their version of the truth as opposed to whatever the objective truth might be. It has made me realize that I can no longer simply tell clients “don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” I owe it to clients in preparing them to give evidence not only to help them understand the facts, the law and the process, but also to try to understand their emotions to help put them at ease.