I have urged in other columns that the law society deal with AMH [Addiction and Mental Health] issues at the investigation stage by ensuring that members get the help they need rather than pushing the matter through to discipline. I have also suggested where it is inevitable there must be discipline; that the AMH circumstances that surround it be taken into account with regard to the misconduct itself as opposed to just the penalty.
Month: December 2017
THE LAWYER’S DAILY – LSUC benchers approve statement of principles, adopt access to justice measures
Ian Burns, The Lawyers Daily reporter, writes: “The law society has spent a lot of time and energy over the past few months dealing with the statement of principles but I don’t see how on the ground anything has changed,” he said. “Racialized lawyers are still being discriminated against. My frustration is I want to see the debate on how do we change it — you don’t change it by signing a piece of paper,” quoting Darryl Singer.